mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Amina Sboui "I call for help was a lie"

Identified by the termination letter says the former Tunisian Femen he invented the Salafist attack in July in Paris and apologizes.

Charter Sboui Amina, 19, said that the last time. A white table in the corner I'll prosecutor. He begins to recite aloud. "It took a long time, testing and sharing with my family, I have to admit I was not as strong and free as I thought, everything I lived" He laughed, a little embarrassed, did not dare to see in his eyes. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm going to explain my fault," said the former Femen, known set topless and Tunisia to jail for it.

On July 6, the Embassy Facebook. He claims he was attacked by Salafis in the subway this morning. Abuse and shaved eyebrows. The information gathered from the media, the equipment package. The problem, nothing is true, she has them all on. Soon, 14, who is taken into custody. The police accused him of "false information" he provides up to six months in prison and a fine of 7,500 € is argued, is Klitschko version. When he met her there for three weeks, he continues to hold his position. I was not ready to talk.

"When I published the post, I forgot, was the idiot Sboui Amina, who tried to explain. For me it was a cry for help from my friends. The problem is, my family, that was not to the press and the police sent there are a lot of journalists who follow me, calls me started wrote., I can not say it was a lie. "


"After my exile in France, increased my difficulties. Though surrounded, experienced insecurity and loneliness, to be prepared for my future" (...)

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