After the demonstration in Paris in support of Gaza, which led to clashes between police and demonstrators Barbès, and similar events in the pro-Palestinian movement Sarcelles Sunday to a new national demonstration in Paris, Saturday, July 26 in support of Gaza.
Boussoumah Youssef, the press service of the organizers of the demonstration had been banned from Paris, told a news conference on Saturday, 15 he had called a meeting later in the Republic Square. The statement, which said not yet the police headquarters, but has, it will come soon.
If the question is "too early", the organizers still covered, even if the police Prefecture banned the parade again "The case is the same:., We will show you," said New Anti Capitalista Pojolat Allen's Party (NPA). He explained that it was difficult "to control the free movement of citizens."
"The GAS emetic and Flash BALL"
The organizers were ready to return to action on Saturday, including the 6,000 and 7,000 people attended. "We have the same story as the government set. These things on the account, which allows you to organize this Pataques," Youssef Boussoumah said. He said many of the injuries and "a ban on the direct connection between the event and how it happened., We said it would be!" He also condemned the use of "emetic and gas fire flash ball on the ground sitting in the meeting. "
New Anti-Capitalist Party member Alain Pojolat (NPA), as well as a spokesman for his part, welcomed the holding of another event Wednesday hosted this time (...)
More on in Sarcelles degradation after they banned rallyAfter the demonstration, pro Gaza, the Netherlands and the waltz stand against anti-Semitism
Waltz criticized the "unacceptable behavior" Barbes Events
Support Gaza protesters tear gas and cars were burned in Barbès
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