The child's parents a month ago, including photos of bruises was posted on Facebook, was arrested on Wednesday evening, after the seizure of the prosecutor, the prosecutor's office on Thursday in Laon. This pair Tergnier in Aisne, Age 20 years, he was accused of "abusing at least 15 years leads to permanent disability" Laon ground. A child whose prognosis is not involved, "presumably for the purpose of neurological sequelae, to the extent that it is impossible at this time to say," said the prosecutor.
A source close to the investigation were the police by telephone Monday near Tergnier (Aisne), who stated that he saw one of his contacts in. Facebook pages of a child seems to be "abnormal," alarmed. The police, after an examination revealed that the child seems to be "sick" and called the child's mother went to the police station, the state seems to be even worse than the picture, according to this source. The father was arrested the following Monday.
The researchers, who admitted the facts and stated that he surprised by the child in the night, because I could not bear her cries, the source, who said the incident does not happen, because the birth of a child. Custody, the father transferred the photo on Facebook for fun, have the same source. The mother was in his care have "shocked" the child, the prosecutor Laon. A source in the vicinity of the examination of the situation (...) Source
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