lundi 7 juillet 2014

Bac 2014 registering an average of 20/20

241 candidates have skyrocketed during the test. There are 171 2013 and only 67 were in 2012. Additional average of 21.03 students Bourhail series Myriam S Villers-Cotterets, in Picardy.

The overall success rate fell by 2.2 points in 2014, a bachelor's degree, but some go through the roof. 241 graduates have passed the mark of 20/20, according to the Ministry of National Education. This is more than 2013 (171 students) and 2012 (67), but only 0.036% of the 670 800 candidates per year. What the department that the phenomenon of "marginal", but has quadrupled in two years, said.

It is possible, which is greater than 20/20 optional (two) and TPE: allow 60 to earn points, nearly 2 points should be taken into account, be compared to 20 (sum of the coefficients depending on the series).

Best average in 2014: 21:03

The best yields this year for the average student of Villers-Cotterets (Picardy), Myriam Bourhail. He received a degree in S with an average of 21.03. In order to do this, is just 20 everywhere except sports (15) History and Geography (18) and philosophy (19). But has a bumper crop 21:21 not get the best average since 2013.

The father of the girl, of Moroccan origin, French, especially the proud, according to the Ardennes. "It is not to think, because you set yourself up for a career staff" welcomes this success. You have to say again, thanks to their masters, so good grades.

In this unconventional BA, French foreign origin, living in a city within the city, the National Front won in the last elections. Symbol, which some have failed to mention in Twitter.

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