Haim KORSIA, the new chief rabbi of France are the first attacks on synagogues, a week in Paris.
Army Chaplain General, Chaim KORSIA 22 June, the new chief rabbi of France. Less "orthodox" than their predecessors, insists still on the Jewish community in France. For the first time since the attacks on two synagogues, the pro-Palestinian in Paris, Sunday, protesters back on these events.
What happened late Sunday afternoon in Paris Bastille?Tournelles During the collapse of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested in the streets around the Bastille groups of demonstrators and the police wanted to move in the synagogue. Then I went into the synagogue on the Rue de la Roquette, with great violence. Navigate to it by the time the police, the initial shock of the Society for the protection of children. When police arrived, surrounded the synagogue, so that people do not leave, do not offer a very dangerous public. It was very traumatic, very traumatic for her, inside and out, friends, family. It is very painful, locked is not subject to retaliation hysterical and dangerous amount. Alt, 90 years old, told me, with tears in his eyes that reminded him of Kristallnacht ...
No one expected this kind of violence in Paris ...Yes, in our society, we can not let that part of the population is so controversial. Again, it is the Jews who are in deep disgust, but do not be fooled by reason of geopolitics: Zionism is the same outfit that anti-Semitism. We have heard these words of hate for this event. It was (...)
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