CSA decision not to allow LCI free of TNT, in the political sphere Wednesday, the opposition denounced the "fan" while Culture Minister stressed instead of "independence" of the controller.
Voices criticizing the UMP and a "political decision" and said the president of the CSA, Olivier Schrameck was chief of staff to former Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.
"No one can doubt that Mr. Holland was elected President of the CSA is selected excellent ... but the proximity Even the Left and the Socialist Party," joked Sébastien Huyghe, north of the UMP.
"The murder of LCI is a political decision?" When Mr. Huyghe, regional advisers UMP Ile-de-France, Daniele Giazzi ", which prevents this morning? Ejects the question after yesterday's decision by the political party and the CSA for the LCI?" I said.
"We believe that we can make no error of law or mistake of fact or error of judgment," CSA Olivier Schrameck defense team president of France.
"We are not here to undermine" the entire audiovisual sector, "the president told the media regulatory body, calling his desire to save the chain, was threatened with closure.
CSA decision to the tub on the left set. LCI "does not deserve the death penalty," said Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, the first secretary of the PS said.
"It is true that this is a concern., I understand, Eric Revel (LCI chief, Ed), indicating that there is an organization (CSA), which will decide the life or death of the strings is a private channel" he admitted, while rejecting the idea of a political decision.
- "Heavy Responsibility" -
Once the CSA, CEO of TF1 Nonce Paolini made the media control that the "real threat to the future of the ICL," confirms its intention to close the chain employs about 247 employees, 31 December. LCI, TF1 decided to leave the voluntary payment for ten years, there is still a shortage of several million euros per year. Information Pioneer start permanently 20 years ago after a confidential, limited to 13,000 spectators, with an average reading.
, Minister of Culture, Aurélie Filippetti Wednesday jumped the media regulatory body to defend, stressed that the government "respect the decision of the independent CSA."
Woman Filippetti Francois Hollande, "in particular the CSA essential that they respect for the independence of all independent administrative authorities." Said the Council of Ministers
Constable had audiovisual authority to pay the end of 2013 to upgrade to digital terrestrial television (DTT).
"Today, we must respect the decision of the independent CSA," said the minister.
The unions also criticized the decision of the TF1 Group CSA between "the great responsibility that will lead to the disastrous social consequences of ICV view."
After Inter, marks the decision "a death sentence for LCI, 250 workers, n? Did not you feel that we saved by paying for the distribution of resources."
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