The National Assembly finally agreed, on Monday evening, before the Senate on Tuesday, railway reform, which was originally a two-week strike at the SNCF in June.
Finally, the decision of the National Assembly on Monday evening before the Senate on Tuesday, railway reform, which was originally a two-week strike at the SNCF in June. The text, coordinated as a result of a compromise between the deputies and senators for most groups such as drug users, but rejected the Left Front and the UMP.
The reform aims to end the isolation of Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) and the SNCF, leading to additional costs and difficulties in coordination with the railroad. Public Railway Company, consisting of the head of a public body "mother" (SNCF) and the two institutions "girls" Infrastructure Administrator (Red SNCF) and the operator (SNCF Mobility) created.
Target, the debt of Railways (€ 44 billion), competition and preparation for the opening of the domestic passenger transport (2022 at the latest) to stabilize. State Secretary for Transport, Frédéric Cuvillier, "the adoption of this law is a strong signal to our European partners are sent. Reform government shows that it is possible to build a rail system in a transparent access, equitable and non-discriminatory network integrated"
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This report of the supervisory authority must give you access to all network providers of rail services that their consent to the setting of tolls and charges for access to the infrastructure (stations, etc.). "French reform in the right direction," added recently, Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas, when I (...)
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