mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Paris rally against waiver equal to ABCD

Society - associations backed governments claim ...

A few dozen activists of the feminist and gay organizations and teachers' unions protest fight on Wednesday against the abandonment of Paris equality ABCD schema, stereotypes of girls in school guys found AFP journalist.

"The reluctance of the government"

Education Minister Benoît Hamon said on Monday that the experiments were carried out, because the Saints 600 classes kindergarten to the top of the CM2, but was of right-wing extremists and anti-marriage criticized for all, will not be released as planned in September 2014. Instead, the teachers will be trained and a "training group".

Aude Fonvieille representatives of the Southern Education, lamented "reluctance of the government to combat sexism and LGBT-phobia."

"We want the sexism in this story struggling to be taken seriously, there is a real political will to make a place with stereotypes to school," he told AFP.


"Retired, retirement, before the reactionary government to despair", "against the withdrawal, we equalities," the demonstrators chanted in the Ministry of National Education gathered.

"It was during the years, as feminists fight for a non-sexist education," Suzy AFP Rotjman said a representative of the National Union of Women's Rights. "Same ABCD was a little early, and we see that the revenue from the power of the reactionaries," he worries.

"Reactionary, counter equal to ABCD reinforce gender stereotypes," said Pauline Arrighi AFP, a spokesman for the Dare feminism. "We are angry because we know that equality (...) Read more on

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