A short guide to holiday on July 14. And send them to us via the Twitter hashtag # 14JUILLETSLATE.
Every year on July 14, many of us can relate our smartphone clutter our memory card Photograhies slightly darker and / or ugly fireworks. This is not inevitable. Here are our top five tips for successful images.
Get as close as possible to fireworks
"If the image is not good, we are not close enough." They are the most famous quotes from the great photojournalist Robert Capa. It works for a lot of things, including fireworks.
Photos Fireworks are often overlooked because they are too far. It prevents approach that too many elements that hinder the foreground. In case if you do not close the fireworks, try to find a good place, very clear.
Hold the phone close to your body
Remember, though, that you say pictures of the night and it is pointless, everyone holds one of the arms of the phone. Instead, keep close to the body. Do not give your elbows too much to move, and the pool is the best way to stabilize the image during filming. And you avoid this kind of photography:
Fireworks on the White River, Tony_B, Flickr / CC
Feel free to take the phone with both hands in front of the face or the right hand, for example, and with the other to grab the right wrist and the top of the tripod.
Nothing serves zoom, the images lose quality and pixelated (they can still trim in post-production).
Make sure that the flash is turned off. This is important because it shows that the sensor must be open long obscurateur (long exposure) remain for all (...) Read more on Slate.fr
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