samedi 19 juillet 2014

Prohibited Violent clashes during a demonstration in Paris propalestienne

NOW - Back in the violence, in which protesters in the capital on Saturday ....

Saturday in Paris, defied a pro-Palestinian supporters of a ban on demonstrations Saturday in Paris.

Several thousand demonstrators

The action is prohibited police headquarters on Friday, citing a "serious risk of disturbing the public order" after the clashes on 13 July against two synagogues in another rally.

Saturday afternoon, President Francois Hollande launched last warning to Chad, where he warned an official visit, and that "those who are desperate to prove, are to take responsibility."

"This event is justified or not, there will be hundreds and thousands of people converge Barbès Saturday," Alain Pojolat said Friday that a new anti-capitalist Party (NPA), the only political party that keeps your action appeal.

15h appeared, some of the signs at the intersection of Barbès near Gare du Nord, according to AFP reporters. "To live in Palestine, Palestine will win," she chanted, under the gaze of many CRS position.Selon police sources remain to walk a thousand. Between 5,000 and 10,000 for the organizers.

"This is a limitation that inspired us to come," explains Louisa and Mourad, 26 and 27 years old. "What is happening in Gaza is very serious, and it allows us to not scream, our anger is expressed."


Bombs and tear gas

At the beginning of the movement, at least two Israeli flags were torn and burned to the applause of the crowd. The head of the train, a young man, keffiehs face, CRS gave the film their smartphones before the first debate. After the rally, (...) Read more about

Prohibited Violent clashes during a demonstration in Paris propalestienne
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