Teaching programming languages has been announced for the return of Sunday newspaper (published July 13) Education Minister Benoît Hamon offered.
During the study
He wants "the primary introduction of the computer code, optional or extracurricular time. Appeal on June 19, we started the association structure of the offer," he says.
> Read more: Team Code should be taught in school?
"It must be the introduction of second-degree programs," said the minister, who believes that "some teachers could be more natural than others, which is the code for the teachers. Teachers of technology and mathematics"
"We are at Arnaud Montebourg, a program of the French educational digital technology industry," says Benoît Hamon, the finding that 70% of primary and secondary school teachers and 100% "equipped" for computers and tablets in 2020 digital learning resources.
Study National Priority gates "basic skills" ("Reading, Writing, French account properly, calculate, compose and decompose numbers in mathematics"), but "The school can not ignore the importance of digital technology, now at all disciplines," says Benoît Hamon justify these changes.
He said: "The question is no longer whether to learn about computers and do not, but how, in what order and at what stage would do the language in any case."
"In the case of the French master is necessary to think, make decisions, express themselves and communicate in mathematics and in other forms of language (...) Read more about lemonde.fr Copyright: Song of Hadopi that "The fight against counterfeiting on the Internet"
The French transatlantic digital abusive?
The digital revolution, employment and sovereignty in Europe
Axelle Lemaire, the Secretary of State Digital
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