Jewish boy of 24 years attacked the pro-Israeli extremists and slightly injured near Thursday in Bobigny.
Violence online street violence. Jewish boy of 24 years, probably in the vicinity of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), a group of pro-Israeli extremists, said the abuse, say multiple sources. Was slightly injured after a complaint Thursday before his house in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis).
According to the preliminary investigation, the young man attacked three men on Thursday afternoon waiting in front of his building. The kidnappers then joined a group of a dozen people. According to police, he was a couple of times in the leg and hand "maybe with a stick." Given
Facebook pages of the JDL "persecution"
LDJ Twitter account Thursday attacked as supporters of the movement, called "nazislamistes" attacker.
"This is a priori a member of the JDL. Has seen on the Internet," said a source close to the investigation. The young man went to the hospital, police report Bobigny. According to previously published cordoonées Facebook pages, where he was threatened.
>> See also: How Ultras on both sides of the debate hystérisent
Contacted by AFP, the president of the UEJF Sacha Reingewirtz, we can not say whether the victim was JDL. "What is certain is that this is not a difficult + +" Page said. "These days there are rumors that spread like wildfire over the Internet. This is very disturbing," he said.
Facebook page titled "Hunter LDJ", especially the proliferation of photos, names, addresses and phone numbers of alleged members of the Jewish Defense League. In (...) Read more on
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