This is the third week of the payment in Marseille, a man was killed on Friday night in the northern outskirts of the city. The victim was driving a motorcycle near Ste-Marthe (I -14 Arrondissement), near the military camp, when the car on your height, doubled and went downstairs. Male, born in 1990, and "knows very negatively to the police," and then fled, and the two occupants of the vehicle, which then made Kalashnikov. The victim would have died with the help arrived, the attackers fled, according to the website of La Provence.
A day earlier, was a man of 37, who is known for drug trafficking and counterfeit payment cards, filmed in front of a cafe in Saint-Antoine and the northern suburbs of two men on a motorcycle. On July 11, a man was shot and killed after a fight with City Hall. His body was found in a burnt out car, is regularly used to try to eliminate any index.
Fourteen people were died since the beginning of the settlement in the Bouches-du-Rhône, including ten of Marseille, often after the controversy surrounding the drug trade.
(AFP and Reuters)
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