Two teenagers were arrested after he was arrested on Wednesday morning under the propalestienne event, which took place in a quiet area of Paris, police said.
Three arrests and two people from the margins of the event, the young man was in the custody of a child, the pepper spray keeps given, and the other a gas mask, the source said. The third suspect was released.
According to a source, reported that sixteen people were arrested on Wednesday evening, were strongly anti-Semitic insults at a restaurant in the Jewish Quarter in the middle of the Rue des Rosiers in Paris, is still in custody this morning.
These people, mostly children, are the "injury" express suspicion in the restaurant and "anti-Semitic insults" another police source said on Wednesday said.
Thousands of participants marched pro-Palestinian rally on Wednesday in a quiet area of Paris allowed, but strictly controlled event, a few days later, degenerate two meetings, including anti-Semitic violence.
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