mardi 22 juillet 2014

Video. The shark attack: The man wounded in the leg

51-year-old surfer was attacked outside Saint-Leu, Reunion Island Tuesday afternoon. His leg and right arm ripped by a shark, but surely his time.

New shark attack in the session. 51-year-old was seriously injured in a shark while surfing in Saint-Leu, Reunion first reported on Tuesday. His leg and right arm ripped by a shark, but surely his time. He could only return to the beach to support the fire department.

>> See also: Do we have to be afraid of sharks?

The man, a professor of mathematics at the island, which sits on its board, feet in water when the attack occurred. The area in which the accident had occurred the prefecture in a few months. Sharks have built really 300 meters from the beach.

Moreover, were particularly adverse weather conditions. The weather was dark and rather choppy sea. Most shark attacks occur when the water is murky: Sharks take surfers usual prey. "The shark is a predator of the seas, but human error attack. Usually takes surfers, seems to be down, look like turtles or sea lions. These bites, but realizing his error, try not to eat. 'Not enough fat on human flesh Sharks, "he said last year in L'Express oceanographer Robert Colcagno.

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