Half a million of violence in France. Bar Historic crossed. If by a "board" in the last month, Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve identified. This confidential document is 300 pages long, including Le Figaro had refresher month after month. Were the recommendations of his predecessor, Manuel Valls, the development of the crimes to follow picked up by the police and gendarmerie services and management of operational activities. During June 1, 2013 May 31, 2014, after a rolling twelve-month, voluntary physical integrity was exactly 504 081 485 601 offenses in the last year, an increase of 3.8%.
Beauveau also contains a lot of information available to misdemeanor assault. The facts that belong to the police court, not criminal and not cause incapacity for eight days or more unlike them civil violence. Can violence on the street, as the muscle cell phone theft, be violence in schools or in private. Very revealing some social climate, it is sometimes traumatic events during the year 118.214 to 137.159, an increase of 16% increase.
The truth of the figures
Everything is black and white, "full service" National Observatory on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (ONDRP) not publish written, preferring a separate presentation of the numbers of police and gendarmerie in turn called 'statistical rigor. " Even if it has a "board" (...) Read more on Figaro.fr
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