Shams El-Ghoneimi 28, who has published a call for protests on Facebook, the. Reasons for its mobilization
Thank you that you do not confuse me with cookies, Semitic (sic), so there will always be assholes.
The balance of the children of Gaza rockets, tons of bombs from F16 Hospital, Center for Persons with Disabilities, a mosque, reporters or children, coast, killing 608 Palestinians, but also we have rockets, as bad as they are, killing two Israeli negligible.
Lift the inhumane siege of seven, collectively punishes 1.7 million people in Gaza. Titled the commercial port, an airport, a modern hospital, a decent life.
At the end of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories in late incessant military operations, endless checkpoints, humiliation, legal systems are fundamentally racist.
Authoritarianism and populism against Hamas.
Reciprocity and the populist right of the Israeli government.
With the stupidity of people who think that a gun hidden in the building killing justifies all - even after 10 minutes, 30 SMS at 3 clock in the morning to give people free.
Against ignorance and complacency of those who repeated the official Israeli propaganda, cleverly evade responsibility for their daily decision to expel bombard an extremely dense residential Hamas wants to kill his own people voluntarily, as it was "hidden" ... everywhere, and you should "Gaza Strip" to write on Google Maps to learn about geography.
Weakness against those who carry out all Jews, all of Israel, repeated the same shit, the more populist Islamic extremism, the Arab ... or French.
False platitudes against the president, his false (...)
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