lundi 18 août 2014

Against Islamophobia Observatory outr Voil Morano on the podium and women and worse; Offer

Controversy - "There is nothing to undermine public order," he growls waiting ...

The former Minister Nadine Morano UMP was wounded Monday in the intersection of social networking veiled woman on the beach, see the "attack on our culture," the note in "stigma" found against Islamophobia Observatory. According to an article on his Facebook page today written morning, MEP, said the photo was taken from a woman wearing a hijab (veil One) "on the beach in France, there are a few days."

"There's nothing to undermine public order, because the woman's face was discovered by the law, but it offensive, our culture is," Morano, the mood your ticket due to a flood of comments, sometimes strong, sometimes against a approval.

"It's always the same one that stands out from the UMP"

"He wears a veil on the beach is not the laws of the Republic", the President of the National Observatory of Islamophobia French Muslim Council (CFCM) Abdallah Zekri said note that only the full veil (niqab or burqa) is illegal in France in public places (streets, beaches, etc .sh.).

"It's always the same one that stands out from the UMP ... it would be better that they about what happened to their party, rather than stigmatize women who likes to wear the veil," said the monarch _ Zekri former member of the UMP the left "by feel and racist hate speech." "The full veil, we always say that the CFCM we are Morano has no lessons to give us," the Muslim leader.

Next picture of a veiled woman appears to be behind that Morano was seen in Le Figaro Magazine, which contains the (...) Read more about

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