mardi 5 août 2014

Calais tensions exacerbated by the influx of migrants in Italy

Brawls between immigrants from East Africa who are trying to go to England to be Calais reflects the growing tension, the flow through Italy (PAF) is responsible for the border police caused.

A little more than 24 hours, a group of Sudanese and Eritreans have three times in the center and the port of Calais, despite sending forty CRS forces met on Sunday evening.

There were a total of nearly 70 were in the clashes, including a helicopter to a hospital in serious condition in Lille, Monday injured Tuesday night.

Calaisiennes support groups for migrant workers, which is the result of repeated violence "turf war", led by groups of exiles, "to" and "a desperate attempt to go to England."

Between 1200 and 1300, the current migrants in Calais, the growth of "around 50% for some months" to be the prefect of Pas-de-Calais Denis Robin said on Monday deploring the increasing violence among migrants, but among the migrants and truck drivers.

The influx of migrants ", the tense situation around the passage. Groups traditionally don intervention to move due to various places," and the tunnel port on the "Start" the other biting (trying) to take its place at the intersection of the other, "says Philip Wannesson a community activist.

"The number of people who (always difficult to navigate) to Italy after crossing the Mediterranean on. Additional Crossover (UK) until at least? With? Case to increase, it will be difficult, more stress will increase," fears he did.

"Everything is increased, the context of a small explosive is obtained. Migrants are so desperate they want, and sometimes a bit of violence, take the truck by the force of England," the currency Monday Véronique, department chairman of Catholic Relief stressed calling the decision "a political decision, (...), at national and European level."

- A disturbing report -

According to a report by the PAF, released Tuesday by Le Figaro to "7913 in the same period in 2013," 1 January to 30 June 2014, 61 591 illegal immigrants landed in Italy ", and only 4,301 in the first six months months of 2012. Eritreans who 31% of these immigrants (18,282). Syrians were in the second 10,371 (17%). "

This influx has stopped for accentuating the led "migration pressure on the border of Italy," and by PAF 5,235 people in the first half of 2014, the report said.

On the question of AFP, the Interior Ministry said it was "a well-known phenomenon." "But everything, beginning with the fall in asylum in France in the first half of 2014, noting that France is a transit country for migrants," the ministry said in a statement.

"It is, of course, people who fled Libya by a mafia organization that can not be dispersed in Sicily and mainland Europe (...). France, the installation of some of the more transit," says Geneviève Jacques, President Cimade many Eritrean asylum in the Nordic countries.

A spokesman for France Terre d'asylum, Pierre Henry, this is a result of "the EU, Italy, which is sought refusal as it was in the beginning, as immigrants came to their shores, was to help."

In Calais, according to official figures, about 7,500 illegal immigrants since the beginning of the year have been arrested trying to tuck in the UK, as a paradise.

To try to contain the tension, the government, as stated by the prefect of the Robin, ordered the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII) and the General Council of social integration (DCS) to present this week a variety of options for migrant women and migrants, such as housing, emergency shelter and support to return to their country of origin.

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