mercredi 6 août 2014

Dolomieu: Thief wrote remorse to the victim's mother

Mukaël Erdem is taking Hugo Villerez accused, while the second is frustrating Heist snuff.

"In the stop and arrest asked for pen and paper and began to write," says Aurelia Mennessier teacher. Mukaël Erdem, his client with the case of a raid on July 29 Dolomieu (Isère), Hugo Villerez is shot trying to thwart accused of robbing a kiosk. The local police, the thief's mother wrote the text of his victims.

"We immediately recognized the gravity of his actions., This is because they the consequences of what he did, I wanted to write this letter, spontaneously know," Le Figaro said his lawyer. "I was not even aware of. Victim at the time had to speak to the mother of his pain and grief."

Letter was placed in the record of the investigation. However, "is no defense," said the lawyer. "This is not in an open letter.'S A letter from a personal repentant person and my client wants to remain as such. It is for this reason that the exact content will not be made public," he says. "He was in the record of investigation placed only for the family to use and read at any time., This would be the wrong families mail message., I am, if you feel available to the family so that they can to read ready . " According to our latest information, the family did This measurement is taken. LeFigaro contacted prosecutors did not want to talk about it.

"He does not know what happened"

"I panicked." This is in reference to Mukaël Erdem explains (...) Read more on

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