Michel Wieviorka is a sociologist and expert on anti-Semitism. Scan your sense of concern for the Jews in France, always between defending Israel and the republican model torn down.
You have every reason to be afraid of the Jews in France to be, after the recent escalation of protests and attacks on synagogues in the attempt? What level of care is, in the sense of the works on several levels. In the objective, physical assaults and attacks against rises above right, on the basis of the more scattered and small or non-religious Jews in French society Jewish community. This seems to refer to the Jews by the kippa or a threat to their synagogue or a private school for their children, easy to identify.
There is also a new face diffuse concern anti-Semitism, French society penetrates. We had the far right, nationalist Maurrassian, mixing ancient Judaism in the Christian world, that the Jews killed Jesus - the "teaching of contempt", which spent a little catechism, says the historian Jules Isaac.
Vatican war blown up this classic anti-Semitism, while the other, won indeed today, in other sectors, starting with the Arab and Muslim world. The first is down, a new elevator, then. You need to separate things. Finally, a third level of concern about the less talked about, and that can lead to a form of political schizophrenia.
What fifteen or twenty years ago, under the leadership of the Council of Jewish Institutions in France Officer (CRIF), a very influential public institutions, many of the Jews in France really confuse two different issues: (. ..) The unconditional defense policy Read more about lexpress.fr
French Jews were right to be afraid?
Who is CRIF?
French Jews were right to be afraid?
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