mercredi 13 août 2014

Locks of Love Sticker R Paris for tourists to ensure civility

HERITAGE - selfies to Locks of Love! Placed Wednesday 23 sticker on the Pont des Arts and the church to get the message ...

"Our bridges can not support more than gestures of love" written in white with a red heart. Wednesday afternoon, the city of Paris stuck in the first label on the bottom of the case against the Archdiocese Locks of Love (4 district).

23 sticker on the bottom

Twenty-three of these stickers are fixed now, divided between the Archdiocese and the type of bridge. They are French, English and Spanish. This is the first sign of irritation of the municipality of Paris fashion lover who has to hang since 2008 at the railing of the bridge padlocks as a symbol of eternal love. Bridges wholly or partly covered by the dozen, and come to spread to other parts of Paris, including the Eiffel Tower. "He blocked an average of 450 pounds per railing, threatening to bottom, says Vanessa Panetto, communications manager for the city of Paris. As a threat to passers-by barges under the bridge seen."

Construction of citizenship for tourists

This is the first collage, cover Archdiocese, was immortalized many photographers, much more pleasing to the international press. But it is ironic in light of some of the tourists were desperate, on the railing instead of love hold locks.

The first step is to create an incentive. The Castle of love is still forbidden in Paris. "We hope that, first, the nationality of the tourists Panetto Vanessa slides. Starting Monday, the mayor tries, the same selfie as an alternative to locks of love. Website was set up to impose (...) Read more about drug is no longer sent home
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