mercredi 20 août 2014

Two teenagers were arrested in Syria Limited

Age 15 and 17, which were placed in the care of Tarbes and Lyon. They went to the fields of jihad.

Two 15-year-old girl and 17 is in prison on Tuesday, in the case of Tarbes and Lyon travels to areas of the Jihad in Syria is confirmed on Wednesday sources, confirming a report in the RTL.

The prison, which was given in the morning, can last up to 48 hours for minors. Is part of a preliminary investigation of the criminal organization to take in connection with a terrorist enterprise, the Paris prosecutor's office opened a judicial source told AFP. Is research by the Department of Homeland Security (ISB) is performed, connected, apparently since June, Syria, and the other a girl of 14 years old and lives in Argenteuil (Val d'Oise), said a source close to research.

The French government is concerned about the phenomenon of outputs in Syria and the threat of attacks upon his return to Europe, radical Jihad candidates. A source close to the record, more than 900 people will be affected, a figure among those who have already left the theater, convinced for the transit and intelligence services believe that they are going.

Bernard Cazeneuve Home Secretary to fight the government's plan for the establishment of a hotline for families and loved ones to radical youth antijihad, allowing them to avoid the suspicions of the police or of the imminent departure of Syria.

The bill to strengthen anti-terrorism arsenal, including a prohibition to leave the country to wish for a certain suspicion in order to join the jihad, and the Council of Ministers is expected to come at the beginning of the Parliament on 9 July (. ..)

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