samedi 5 juillet 2014

Garches: Music helps parents of children with cancer


On the ninth day of his hunger strike, four parents of children to the hospital in Garches (Hauts-de-Seine) receive psychological support pediatric oncology music.

A group of drummers came this afternoon to play, shortly after 03.00 clock, at the gates of Raymond Poincaré Hospital (AP-HP), opposite the chapel, which is accompanied stopped by parents who eat to survive cancer treatment where are looked after children, may be transferred as part of the reorganization of cancer in Garches hospital group-Boulogne (Ambroise Paré Hospital).

LRA provides that "continuity of care be provided"

"They joined because they fear that management requires them to go," the father, who came to the stairs of the chapel of the other parents said. Public support continues for nine days of the dispute, and the musicians were not allowed to play in the school building.

Regional Health Agency (ARS) provides that "the continuity of care." Antonin parent of a child three years, was treated for two months in Garches, said that "the administration will not be the same if the service Ambroise Paré to be delivered because it will not be the same department or the same medical. Yet for the whole family came Garches, because the doctor Delepine provides a protocol for the individual approach to every child in the care that we have found in hospitals or care that our children have been treated before. "

The courtyard of the hospital, is the mobilization under supervision. Prefect of Hauts-de-Seine, a person in the hotel was in the afternoon.

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Garches: strike parents of children with cancer
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