mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Pirated movies and a series of jumps in France in 2013

Nearly one-third of Internet users (28.7%) visited the site at least once a month to discuss the series or movie in 2013 and their number reached a record since 2009, according to a study released Wednesday Association Against Audiovisual Piracy (alpha )

In 2013, every month saw 13.2 million people for at least one site for the audiovisual forgery or 15.8% devoted more than in 2009, according to the study, which excludes YouTube and Dailymotion.

Their number who fell in 2011-2012 to about 12.4 million users, has increased in 2013.

You are using a P2P Download (users), 29% of page views, or download a DDL (Server), 33% of the graduates (38%). Streaming (direct view), which requires a high speed transmission is gaining Internet since 2009, when they represented only 16% of page views.

Cinema, users prefer to use the download in order to obtain a better picture quality. However, in the series, the promotion of the flow of session varies with the results. Most of the video stream, reaching between 10 and 35 million dollars per month in 2013.

Upload sensitive files: Comparison of average users who use this method, especially men (58%) and slightly younger than the average internet user.

In contrast, draws a very different group of pirates were mostly women (55%), a much higher proportion of young people (almost a third of users between 15 and 24 years) and the proportion of students (17%), more than doubling of the entire Internet.

2013, 2, 3, and 1.4 million people per month in the popular series of drainage 1.8 million months saw the movie.

Whatever the methods, 50 sub-users, which account for only 15-21% of hacker sites, accounting for 34% of users.

The research shows that, when actions Hadopi "graduated response" began in 2011, with a warning for the user who shared illegally share files of letters, numbers are available for 10 of the most popular films of 2011, P2P networks in three. Since then, the number has remained stable from 1.2 to 2 million files P2P.

This study, which evaluated 281 Mdiamtrie partnership with the National Center for Film and TMG-Institute of Websites dedicated piracy before cell phones and tablets audiovisual.

In response to Wednesday night, the Ministry of Culture Aurélie Filippetti insisted in a statement on the need to combat the "Commercial piracy" - against websites to make a profit cultural productions Pirates - and "in accordance with existing tools illegal practices of pedagogy ", but not specifically cite the Hadopi, whose fate has been running for months.

High Authority to Combat Piracy also has been inactive for months, is uncertain about his future, but without the initiative of the government's decision to transfer their skills to the CSA.

Hadopi, the body produces more than six months without a full government appointed Tuesday three members of the college were lacking. Last Week has the Hadopi-government threatened legal steps, if the contract has been not yet published.

The three new members are Denis Rapone former member and former CEO of ARCEP, CSA, Tranchand Bernard, vice ONEAF (Union of Family Associations) and Alain Lequeux, deputy secretary general of the group of intellectuals who are blind or visually impaired.

The Dutch government has removed his arrival in the most powerful weapon Hadopi, cutting Internet

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