vendredi 8 août 2014

Battles and aggravate Ukrainians; Donetsk war and embargo

Ukraine - Fighting erupted Saturday in Donetsk embargo on heavy weapons in the context of Russian intervention in Ukraine between Russia and the West, and the war ...

Ukrainian armed forces 15 to 24 hours of remorse killed - seven soldiers and eight border guards on the border of the Russian armed forces were forced to withdraw from 79 teams after three days of fighting. Loud explosions and bursts of heavy guns were heard last night and this morning, in Donetsk, the capital of the region, where bloody battles won yesterday for the first time in the city.

Ukraine occupies two cities

Kiev lost Thursday two devices: the helicopter was by fire and fighter planes the damaged shot by the rebels and forced to land in an emergency Jdanivka, 40 miles, Donetsk, near the site where a plane crashed in Malaysia Airlines, died 17th July in a rocket. "They destroyed our equipment to Russia," said military spokesman accused the Ukrainian Andrei Lysenko.

He said the restoration of the army in two locations in the East: Panteleïmonivka 30 km north of Donetsk and Lugansk Mioussinsk 74 km southwest of another rebel stronghold.

Suspended investigation

Malaysian rebel zone, the site of the accident was subjected to search by uncertainty. Two military transport aircraft, repatriated the Dutch and Australians Friday 142 police experts from the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Australia and Malaysia.

Trade war

At the time, twice the intensity of the fighting, in which the Ukrainian army tried to "liberate" the cities of the rebels, the international tension is held, (...) Read more about

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