vendredi 1 août 2014

Firefight in Marseille

The man was shot.

Male 32 years old, was killed on Friday night in Marseille is known for drug trafficking during a billing, since the beginning of the year is 15, we learned Friday.

The victim was in his car at the entrance to the destination, the town of Bel Air (I -11 arrondissement,) Shortly after 21h, by an armed man in a car, which then passed to his accomplice. In the last two first the car of the victim locked. Twenty cases of 9mm submachine gun was found on the website of the investigators. Relief alarmed first, reacts quickly, but does not care to change practices.

Town of Bel Air, visited Internal Affairs Minister Bernard Cazeneuve April 25, classified as priority security zone (ZSP). Is known to be an important center for the drug trade. The investigation was entrusted to the CID PJ Marseille. This is the billing -15 2014 in Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône. The last three were held in mid-July in the same week.

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