mercredi 13 août 2014

Video. The dog tried to save the fish: "R. animal psychology serves surprises"

Especially in motion video shows a dog in Thailand trying to get the dead fish in the water to save her. But he did not, of course, anything else?

A dog that tries to be, motionless save the fish from the water. It has offered written for this beautiful video on YouTube on the stage and extends over the Internet gradually. In the province of Thailand, Phetchaburi filmed and offers a "quiet beaches, cool caves, a beautiful nature reserve and a selection of fresh seafood." This shows spraying the animal in vain, it was observed that the animals are small. No role and to bury him again to revive his nose in small puddles of fluid in the body. But they are not disturbed.

However, the animal was actually trying to save this fish? If it is not possible that he just going to want to be buried in the water to take advantage of the following? Activists of the animal rights believe that the first. Their arguments: the dog is more human than human, you say "look" video a lot, etc ...

In addition, fish is not what you would call a natural dog food, except for a few species, such as the Portuguese water dog, fish and fresh fish eats. Now looks like this:

Party members will not go to another theory: do not worry the video of the dog over the fate of the fish, but do not try to "bury" devour later. Proponents of the hypothesis, whether your dog has, that the behavior of inanimate objects shown, and that these fish have the same interest.

The contrast between the two theories is that the same discussion grows Reddit.

So who is right?

When contacted by Express, Laurence De Meester and (...) Read more about

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