dimanche 3 août 2014

Gaza protest in the world Paris, initiated by a student on Facebook

Hundreds of people demonstrated Sunday in Paris, peace and brotherhood. United Jews and Muslims, the event was supported by several associations.

Several hundred people on Sunday afternoon met in Paris in support of peace and brotherhood in the context of the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, a student calls on Facebook, by the "rise of hatred" in France annoyed.

"I wanted to show all pessimistic that we be united, despite our differences," he told the gathering, near the Louvre, the 18-year-old student, Celena Azouaoui "emotion" mobilization. Celena Facebook pages of the first inning of their friends and threading the needle have announced more than 3,000 people, their participation in the "apartisan" event was created.

"All united brotherhood"

Neither the Israeli nor Palestinian Flags Flags: The protesters were asked to come to the blue flag, white, red and white flowers. They met behind the banner that says "all united in brotherhood," proclaimed with characters that "tolerance", "love", "dialogue" and "brotherhood" and Radio "Imagine" by John Lennon and "We are enrolled are the World "by Michael Jackson. They sang the Marseillaise.

This "Republican Assembly for Peace" was created by several organizations including SOS Racisme, the Union of Jewish Students in France (UEJF), or supported in conjunction with Peace Now.

Rabbi meets the Imam

Contributions of the Grand Rabbi of France, Bordeaux and Imam recites the microphone. "No, here, we are not against the war, and not the Jews and the Muslims," Sacha UEJF Reingewirtz said.

"France, she is strong, if it shows that it is," said Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racism. "Hate can not be (...) Read more on lexpress.fr

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