And other misconceptions about the First World War.
Historians are trying to destroy the relentlessly beautiful book was a good upgrade, misconceptions about the Great War is hard. Because they have the advantage of simplicity in the face of a very large and complex event? Recall six points.
No, not born of the industrial zone
This is a Marxist reading of industrial and financial warmongers, in the context of high economic rivalry and strong expansion of the German economy. This thesis was born early in leftist circles. Jean Jaurès was not in his last speech, said that "capitalism is waging war storm cloud door?" In fact, if you win, the war was difficult and sometimes important (in metallurgy, chemistry, ...) That does not mean that the manufacturer deliberately pushed the war. Many was quite ruined. Financial and none was more important than the war, "we know that the financial favors peace," says Nicolas Offenstadt historian at the University of Paris I -. Pantheon Sorbonne, author André Loez World War. Centennial Book (Albin Michel). "Of course, problems are weighed and save economic rivalries, but also very dependent on each other and time in many areas, more interest in peace."
Since the Treaty of Versailles and the allocation of responsibility for Germany, the debate about the origins of the war has become a major topic of controversy in the historiography of the First World War. The issue of liability was clearly a political problem, no country wanted the guilt and consequences. This debate about the origins of the war and its weight in different countries seems now resurface. A new generation of movements (...)
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