mercredi 23 juillet 2014

46% of French people prefer to keep your dog, your spouse go on vacation

After DogVacances research new watchdogs were created in April to determine 43% of the French presence in the celebration of the four-legged friends to their needs for protection.

Two out of three households in France ask the most important question: "What did you do during the rest of the dog" And 43% of owners. "Where can we leave our dog this summer," Set sail car without Fido remains a great sadness puppies and 56% of the holders of 88% of the total effort to "small" to be for everyone.

The survey, which was 16 carried out in 2014 100,000 people to 21 July, shows that under the proud owners of dogs, 46% of them prefer to go on vacation with your pet instead of your spouse, c "is awesome to say that the place has "Rex" in some homes.

But the dog on holiday, it is not always that more practice in museums, beaches, restaurants and public transport is in some hotels (25% of the owners, however, admit, some restrictions are ignored) is prohibited.

If, however, it is impossible, the puppy can be the most common option for the guard, care of the residents take (52%). Then the kennels (22%) and animal care comes (16%). However, these functions included the budget for the holidays. The costs that can sometimes be substantial. In summer, the owners usually less than 100 € per week for maintenance, and animal table. 23% of French people are willing to go up to 200 € per week in order to protect their well-being. (...) Read more on

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