mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Paris: Who are the other operators?

NOW - even though the event is strictly designed, and the second is not on Saturday night ...

20 minutes reported the events, organize permitted or prohibited in Paris in support of the Palestinian people.

The event this Wednesday

The event on Wednesday in Paris, which runs from 18:30 until Denfert-Rochereau Invalides, organized by the "National Collective for a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis." The latter shows that the platform of the French non-governmental organizations in Palestine, brings the "Fifty members informally." In this group there are clubs (League for Human Rights brought the Association France Palestine Solidarity ...), trade unions (CGT, FSU, UNEF, ...), political parties (VTE, on the left, PCF, NPA ... ). Some Socialist deputy, Pascal Cherki, Yann Galut Bachelay Alexis, planned to visit, despite the advice of the president of the group.

Follow the live event, and the reaction here >>

The parade was allowed because it is "protests organized forces last week, which went well," said Interior Minister justified. A week earlier, at a meeting of 900 people was really uneventful, Place des Invalides. Bernard Cazeneuve organizers describe "responsible" as and want "peaceful demonstration". Be mobilized for CGT Service, NPA, the Left Party and the PCF, seasoned in this task to ensure that everything goes well. More than 1,000 uniformed and plainclothes officers also takes care of the course.

Action Saturday

The organizers of the number four - NPA, French Jewish Union for Peace Party of native (PIR) and the youth movement (...) Read more on

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