mardi 22 juillet 2014

After the great trains, low tunnel

Docks and tunnels morning by excessive rains t "Chained Duck" reveals its publication July 23, on Wednesday, released to a movement of trains transporting rail freight infrastructure must be replaced by a new loan railway in France.

"Cars ordered are too low and too wide for the power grid." That is why tomorrow, in addition to the cover, some of the tunnels in the width direction, which is possible, but expensive, "according to a article published in the satirical newspaper.

Questioned by AFP, an expert on RFF (Réseau Ferré de France) recognizes the need to adapt some infrastructure to the car "roll easily," but noted that "they knew all the time."

Newspaper includes the cost of adapting RFF 311 M €. "This is a € 208 million RFF, while € 103 million will be spent on the sales, ie the company [use] of the trains and the connections at both ends, VIIa Atlantic subsidiary of SNCF Geodis" corrected expert.

In addition, said that "This investment will be financed" by the government, and thus does not affect the debt RFF.

14 Tunnel

Can move truck, a truck, including taxi, and recovered another point of arrival of the designated driver. Two ports, one used between France and Italy over the Alps, and the second between Perpignan and Luxembourg.

The creation of a third rail line (...) Read more about Le Nouvel Observateur

After the great trains, low tunnel
SNCF: the deck that are too narrow or too wide paddle?

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