mardi 22 juillet 2014

Grenoble 8 cavers trapped in the cavity left unharmed

Born eight cavers "experience" occurred Tuesday in waters near the Sassenage, Grenoble mouth, can not escape shortly after 03.30 clock unharmed, the AFP reporter said.

Eight cavers, six French, are not from the area, and two Portuguese on Monday afternoon reportedly 12 hours "Sassenage tanks," return to the prefecture, of course.

Caver has not yet been brought to the surface on Tuesday morning, the prefect? 9:00 the department of Isère of the caves of the emergency plan.

A total of twenty rescuers, firefighters are members of the Isère ground cave, CRS and gendarmes in the landscape.

Taking advantage of the first phase of the recession, were a dozen rescue teams able at 13.00 clock to penetrate in the first gallery, the "hell", 1.60 meters high, but no trace of cavers commands Thierry Larribe, caves and a technical advisor to the prefect.

But the result of the rescue work were pretty quiet considering the experience of the cavers, aged 40 to 50 years, which is the part of the French Federation of Speleology.

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