dimanche 20 juillet 2014

Holland stand against anti-Semitism continues to waltz approves ban on protest

Given the excesses that accompanied the execution of the event in Barbès support of Gaza, the boss into the breach. Sunday, July 20, Hollande said his desire to "consent to any words that can bring back that anti-Semitism and racism."

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, who spoke at a Christmas Nazi hunters Serge and Beate Klarsfeld from the Elysee Palace, then the threat of the "import" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict France:

"The ability to live together, have a look at its history and at the same time are willing to democratic values, the arguments that are to be inserted too far, have been cleared to defend, not put off by the explosion of the world. This should be a great national cause tirelessly to fight against racism and anti-Semitism to say today, in particular, we must reject all threats, risks and all of our place on earth. "

Waltz protects BERNARD Cazeneuve

One way to reinforce what the Prime Minister. Today in the morning, during the commemoration of the 72nd anniversary of the Vel 'd' HIV 'in Paris, spoke of Manuel Valls "a new form of anti-Semitism," citing a spoken sentence, he said, as a demonstration Friday:

"We have learned about the" death of the Jews. Once again. Once too! He said again synagogues. In our synagogues, in our churches, our temples, mosques are our common cultural heritage, which are an integral part of France, held our ideal of secularism "

Because of this "unacceptable behavior", the Lord Valls said Interior Minister had (...) More made the right decision in deciding to ban the event on lemonde.fr

Waltz criticized the "unacceptable behavior" Barbes Events
Support Gaza protesters tear gas and cars were burned in Barbès
Barbès, a rally in support of the escalation in Gaza
Support Gaza protesters: 38 arrests in the middle of shooting projectiles
Subscription Monde.fr

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