dimanche 20 juillet 2014

Managers work with mindfulness meditation

Managers have to worry not only about their "business plan". Now begin to practice that meets the management needs is "human".

Two steps into the ring with a modern cultural center in Paris vegetable or minimalist decor, with 300 people worry ... chewing. Almost three hours curious and quietly by the guests of Major attention (mindfulness), instead of 100 € tried his hand, which the chef at the time, Thierry Marx invented, without saying a word.

Go before them, the coach and organizer of the night Coco Brac de la Ferriere, the guide has a voice satin, sitting on a bench meditation. His philosophy: She says: "Instead of explaining life mindfulness.": "Companies are clamoring for a proposal of this kind"

Large companies, as well as increase

At a time when more than 1 in 5 States to the brink of exhaustion, has been gaining traction in the business world. Against the current productive model that attempts to make sense of the work of undermining the make is "business as usual." Young and small business owners are tempted, when Joseph Lasserre manager of a small building. When he picks up his cell phone, ESSEC former First close your eyes for a few seconds, "realignment of the story." And if problems accumulated sites, do not panic: you breathe. The question of fliquer employees "; This method is based on trust." This is not a world of Care Bears, Nuance convinced dass But another man management, authentic relationships with people. "

Even the big names, but some broken this tradition, try the adventure, while taking care not to scream from the rooftops. "The word meditation Never. Many still with religious practices or recognition to connect (...) Read more on lexpress.fr

The real power of meditation
City, start businesses to Zen
Be Zen meditation, by the Office
Meditation as a tool for improving global economy
Mindfulness: Meditation Revolution

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