samedi 12 juillet 2014

"Playa MISHAWAKA" sued to ban the use of religious symbols

Emergency grabbed by the Association and the prefecture of Essonne, the Court will give its decision on Saturday.

Called prefecture of Essonne Association on Saturday to suspend the supply of the city MISHAWAKA (Essonne) ban on the wearing of religious symbols in summer "MISHAWAKA Beach", where two veiled women was recently ousted operation. Administrative Court of Versailles from the province and the tariff against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) seized as part of a petition for the freedom to do a procedure called an emergency, that the final decision late Saturday afternoon.

Challenge the legality established by the Association and the UMP mayor Province MISHAWAKA rules, arguing that banning the wearing of religious symbols in a "religious discrimination" that violates "against the Republic." Decision "against the fundamental freedom the religious freedom of faith, "he told the audience CCIF consultant, I Sefen DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ, for which the rules developed by the community shows a" misunderstanding of the law. "

MISHAWAKA Mayor Richard Trinquier today's meeting last Saturday banned the entry point MISHAWAKA beach Two veiled women, citing the rules of the site. "It is the principle of secularism. Shall in no case is the text of obstacles to the faith," said he convinces busy "most important religious symbols being" said "the threshold of a life."

Offending regulation, passed in late June, inspired by the 2004 law on the wearing of headscarves in schools. According to the community this text can MISHAWAKA Beach that "This Act does not apply to the applicable situation," he told a public body (ERP) and not be applied in a public place., Meanwhile, accused the mayor of Sefen MISHAWAKA DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ I "confuse secularism (...)

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