jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Transparency and parliamentary transaction: 10% work in private

Declarations of interests and activities of some 900 parliamentarians were published for the first time on Thursday, revealing that about 10% of the workforce in the private sector, which employs a score of more than 100,000 euros per year activity.

Transparency can help to "dispel fantasies and objective information to offer," Jean-Louis Nadal, the president of the supreme authority of transparency in public life (HATVP), which are published on his website, the statement said. They also elected on the pages of the websites of the Assembly and Senate to refer.

They show that "a little more than 10%" of deputies and senators who work in the private sector, including "40," the lawyer said in an interview.

It deserves the activity is not illegal, but says Nadal, "small" lawyers involved potential conflicts of interest, which "raises the competent authorities and professional ethics."

In addition, a twenty parliamentarians from more than 100,000 euros in additional revenue per year. Among them, several UMP tenor is that Serge Dassault and Olivier, Jean-Francois Cope, Luc Chatel and the radical left, Francois Fillon and Jean-Michel Baylet and MP FN Gilbert Collard.

"What is your main occupation?" Twitter made Bruno Le Roux, owner of PS members. The only parliamentary allowance of € 7,100 gross per month or € 85,200 per year.

- Jobs in the country -

These statements, which are also on the possible involvement of voluntary business functions, activities, spouses and parliamentary staff civil matters in the post Cahuzac transparency.

Ten to 15% of the parliamentarians, and a staff that has the same name as them. They work in this family is not prohibited, but their compensation is limited.

Some employees also have a consulting business, which can be problematic. Recurring employees of questions, some of which are not officially used by municipalities.

About twenty years? States of the European Union have issued since 1974 in 1982, such statements, including parliamentarians, including the UK and Spain.

A new independent body, the High Authority at this stage showed the apparent failure to report certain activities, with imprisonment up to three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 € and disqualification.

Upper body has not yet received a court for an offense, or in the offices of the Assembly or the Senate, if you see a problem.

"This is to ensure transparency in advertising relations without necessarily conflicts? Interests? Interests, any prevention can," he said in a statement.

"Self-limitation" of the members of the deepening of the legal issues that could be cantilevered overhang be "improved" by the Assembly welcomes Ferdinand Melin-Soucramanien.

"This is the first step," and is a thin "rules" as a member, René PS Dosière very involved in ethical issues.

Elected officials have mixed reactions. "Down with the Inquisition," a UMP Jacques Myard wrote his statement. "It is humiliating to go nude in a public place," was found by his colleague Henri Guaino UMP in Sud-Radio.

But Valerie Pécresse (UMP) is "good law." He said sovereigntist MP Nicolas Dupont-Aignan "Transparency is the guarantee of democracy," and President Jean-Jacques Urvoas Legal Committee of the General Assembly PS, the display is a "revolution in our democratic life."

- The combination of a potential conflict of interest -

In France, a political science professor Yves Meny analyzed: ".. Not only that we have a culture of conflict of interest, but we have a positive culture of the accrued interest accumulation and this is usually possible conflicts of interest"

Control of the High Authority will continue. Transparency International France, according to him, and also has the ability to capture. Thursday Club "Exercise your right to security."

"By showing that many politicians are fully committed to its mandate (transparency) committed to strengthen citizens' confidence in their representatives," also believes that the anti-corruption organization.

In turn, the "aspects" of the association, to facilitate the application opens participatory research, and often written in barely legible hand-selected data.

The end of June, and the publication of the declarations of interests of members of the government had undermined the Secretary-General? State Relations with Parliament, Jean-Marie Le Guen, a complaint undervalued properties.

Despite the fact that the declaration of assets of parliamentarians be consulted, since they fall prefectures and forbade the publication of Transparency International France calls for "voluntary disclosure" of the accounts of politicians.

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