samedi 16 août 2014

Paris, from Kurdish rassembl Google AdSense S & laquo; & Nbsp; Tell us about the crime budget islamique & nbsp; And raquo;

Kurds demonstrated in France, Saturday, Aug. 16 in the afternoon in Paris to denounce the situation of the minority Yazidi victim of a violation of the Islamic State of Iraq (EI). Accept the Federation of Kurdish Associations in France (Feyka) comprising fifteen organizations. The New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) in attendance.

Organizers say about 3,000 people, about 500, according to police, were left at the station in the east to the Chatelet. Many of the banners with the image of Abdullah Ocalan, the founder of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK separatist armed organization), imprisoned in Turkey, while floating in the air.

Several people holding banners to show their support for the Iraqi Kurds threatened in different cities, "Mosul Shengal, Makhmour Qaradosh you are not alone", "genocide alert Yezidi Kurds" and "Kurdistan allergic Islamic State"

> Read decryption: Jihadists who attacked the Yezidis in Iraq?

Unsal Aslan, President of France, Yvelines Kurdish claims to "support the Kurds Makhmour Shengal or even if you are the first Yezidi Kurds. They live in affects us." Be Yezidi Kurdish minority in Iraq, followers of Zoroastrianism. Aslan is the Kurds in Turkey, as in most of France, and Sunnis, but this difference does not matter, he said. Several press the point, and not for any religion make to avoid division. In addition, on several occasions, the audience chanted "We are all Yezidis".

Representatives, PYD, the Democratic Union, Syria Khaled Issa party wanted to be associated with this event (...) attack Kurdish jihadists reading use the largest dam in Iraq
Dozens killed in an attack by the jihadists in Iraq
The EU will support weapons on the Kurds in Iraq
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