samedi 16 août 2014

Pope Francisco wants a Christianity without compromise

On the fourth day of his visit to South Korea, the Pope continued secular beatification, preach on total commitment to Christianity to show 123 Korean martyrs of the early nineteenth century.

Our special correspondent in Seoul

Frances is a radical Pope. He still has to show, on the fourth day of his visit to Korea, Saturday, during the three scheduled meetings, Christianity with the poor, he preached without compromise "the world" and not "hypocrisy" with his signature "in a meeting. "Despite the sweltering heat, 77 showed a strong vitality and a large presence of everyone I knew, backgrounds, wherever he went, with great enthusiasm.

When the most exciting long time secretly meeting with young people and children with disabilities, the Pope with one of the most spectacular day of the event blessed to be a mass meeting of nearly one million people in the center of Seoul.

Continued after the beatification of Pope Paul Yun Ji Chung and his 123 companions, all lies - except for Chinese priests. They created the first generation of Christians in Korea, in 1801 a martyr, Franz emphasized the crucial role of the laity in the Church is a possibility. "They were the first apostles of Korea," he said. "This story shows the need for the dignity and beauty of the call to the laity." Korea is actually the only example in recent history where it took place without the presence of the priest, but the belief in the Bible, the Protestant Church. Clergy came only a few decades later.

When asked about the Pope

The general tone of the (...) Read more about

As Christians living in Asia?
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