vendredi 15 août 2014

P & Egrave; And à pilgrimage; Lourdes, CHR como Iraq to pray "for peace"

Lourdes was in Baghdad a few dozen Iraqi Christians, Father Boutros Chitou "asking the world to pray for peace in Iraq."

"We do not ask for money, we are asking the world to pray for peace in Iraq", argue that the Father Boutros Chitou dozens of Iraqi Christians in Baghdad have to Lourdes, a pilgrimage to the heart of the Assumption in the face of suffering come jihadists was Friday. For the first time, the city of St. Bernadette in Eastern Christians living prayer: Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Iraqis, and especially the threat of genocide, war in the country. France on August 15th, and traditional prayers must be accompanied by the prayers of the Christians of the East.

The 141th celebration of the survey in the heaven of Mary, mother of Jesus, novenas of prayer on the night of 14 compared with the traditional procession in the presence of thousands of Christians from all countries, including many disabled and sick. Under a lot of candles, recite the mysteries of Jesus of invocations of Eastern Christians, accompanied the first Marian shrine.

"It is a great joy, a great consolation for us," Father Boutros a constant prayer in this country remembers, 34, isolated from the chaos of his involvement in the kidnapping, rape, murder, has been the target of the jihadists who are not are able to kill.

France is linked to the Eastern Christians

"We pray for all those who are dying for their faith in Christ, and those who were kidnapped imprisoned and tortured," read Thursday afternoon, the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, Nicolas Brouwet, whose words were translated into several languages, including Arabic and Aramaic, the language of Christ has knowledge Chaldeans in Iraq, one of the oldest (...)

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