The tension rose a notch on Friday 15 August, after a dispute between Russia and Ukraine on the border dispute between the two countries, according to the Ukrainian authorities. On Friday there was to the east. Ukrainian military says it destroyed armored vehicles in the territory of the Moscow denies refusing entry into the Ukraine.
"There is a Russian military convoy" to Moscow
The Ukrainian president said Poroshenko part Friday, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the Ukraine had destroyed the artillery as Kiev, Ukraine in Russian military convoy. "There is a Russian military convoy to cross the border between Russia and Ukraine", concentrated in ministry spokesman Major. Igor Konachenkov, Russian media. Currently, military vehicles arrived in the city of Donetsk, Russia (Donetsk Ukraine, 200 km) through the border post Izvariné Ukrainian side, according to some journalists instead.
Eyes are also observed in another column, consisting loaded from 280 Russian humanitarian aid, parked about twenty kilometers from the border with Ukraine.
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