vendredi 15 août 2014

The growing popularity of courses prérentrée

Tuition and daring company is experiencing an increase of about 10% per year, depending on the company. These courses meet the challenges of the students, but also the concern of the parents.

Holiday Eleanor, 14, has been completed. There are thousands like her to go back to school on Monday. Study organizers prérentrée Acadomia, Methodia or completeness of the kind of experience every summer since its inception in 2000, the even more successful. Only Acadomia, had more than 6,000 a year, and the agency expects later this year. "My son is in big trouble in math, sorry Eleanor father, who is from a third comes in September in Paris. Intelligent, but she was afraid to look stupid when he asks for help from the teacher in the classroom. Hope as part of the course will be able to relax and to say that if you do not understand. "

Mathematics "by far" the most requested services. Intensive weekend courses are conducted by approximately 200 euros per week, depending on the intensity and position in primary mathematics, physics, French, language, etc. The price ranges. Besides the usual formulas, to specialized companies with the creativity in the competition for a formula that will appeal to students make - and especially their parents. Classical mathematics course added "methodology" of practices, for example. "This is a learning to learn, explains Hervé Lecat, CEO of completeness. Was it the students how memory works explains, helps them learn appropriate methods for their teachings."

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