mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Steaks, roasts, star hotels were classified

Simplified marking of meat and pieces are in place from one to three stars for quality, according to the decree of the Ministry? The economy is published in the Official Gazette on Wednesday.

Information is "simple and understandable" consumers, butchers is in December with generic terms such as "meat" or "fried", and it is no longer necessary, the exact name of the muscle (specify Tender disc, double ...), "little known "customers as they are defined.

Addition, the name must be an official star rating depending on the quality, more like three star hotels are accompanied is the highest quality, and the star of "The potential of lower quality."

So I paid for a piece of roast beef or the beginning of a slice of the tender will be classified with three stars; The tender beef roast or cut edge of the heel, round nut house only for the star.

Olivier Andrault responsible for the delivery of the UFC-Que Choisir AFP, said: "These reviews assess the quality goes in the right direction, as in the context of the general decline in consumption of raw materials for food, consumer expertise raw materials no longer the same."

But "there is still much to do to prepare limited for the products in which the identification of the type of meat used" (cow ...) without any mention of a song or origin.

For, according to him, should the European Commission blocks in this issue, while countries such as France, the labeling of food from lasagna horse scandal that doubts as to the practice in the food industry threw be strengthened.

Fresh meat is much more accurate labeling standards, as it is an indication of the source radius slaughterhouses meat packaged goods.

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