jeudi 10 juillet 2014

AIDS: The girl thought, "heal" HIV remains

Small Americans born with HIV, but intensive antiretroviral treatment, apparently, allowed to heal, I saw that the virus originated, the researchers said, the girl had raised hopes.

The girl, 4 years old, in Mississippi (south) mothers of HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS was born. He received antiretroviral less than 30 hours after birth, long before what usually done in children with high risk of infestation.

He had been treated before 18 months, where doctors had lost sight of him, for ten months, during which he no treatment.

No blood samples were not carried out in the presence of HIV.

Medical frustration

"Usually when the treatment is stopped, the amount of HIV in a couple of weeks, not years," said Deborah Persaud, an infectious diseases specialist at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, near the capital of United States, Washington. So if the girl, she said, "unprecedented."

His story had hopes will help the doctors who can early treatment of infected newborns, heal raised thought.

But a routine test revealed earlier this month that he felt Read more about Le Nouvel Observateur on the level of HIV in the blood, which is associated with fewer lymphocytes and (...)

AIDS: The girl thought, "heal" HIV remains

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