jeudi 10 juillet 2014

Ban pesticides near schools and hospitals are the "advanced" health, according to Touraine

Measures to restrict the use of pesticides near sensitive areas such as schools and hospitals, approved by the National Assembly areas "an important step forward," the Health Minister Marisol Touraine is estimated Thursday.

"This is an important step forward" that "respect for the work of the farmers," the minister said on television RMC / BFM, recalled the "risks? Spraying of pesticides on children and vulnerable people."

Places affected by restrictions "schools and hospitals" and the distance to the prohibition of "change," the minister said. "There are issues, 50, 100 and 200 meters, different situations," he said.

On the publication of pesticides, says the Minister "maximum transparency". However, it contains "trade secrets issues," and believes that "to ensure that companies do not feel embarrassed."

"We have to find a compromise," but "Transparency is always allied health, said.

The National Assembly approved the measure Thursday evening Wednesday banning the use of pesticides near sensitive areas in the new Farm Bill.

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